Without wanting to sound cliché,

time flys, or better yet, disappears on me- without me even noticing.


2011 is here- and i am not ready- but I guess nobody's asking me- so I might as well get with the program...:-) but a week (or two or three...:-) in a deserted island would have been great! 


Non the less, i am really looking forward to the upcoming ALONY tour in January and Febuary- we will be playing in 10 different cities in Germany- it would be LOVELY if you managed to catch one of the concerts.  


I am also really looking forward to a special concert on Feb. 20th with the Jazzwerkstatt Bern, Switzerland. I was told I could work with as many musicians as I wished to- dangerous....:-) I've been meaning to put together a 10 piece band for a while now (piano, bass, drums, precussion, guitar and a string quartet)- so here we are.... I am VERY excited. In case you are in town- come and join us- it will be a wonderful 3-day Festival (18.-20.2.2011) with inspiring musicians and projects that have been put together especially for this occasion. 


With best wishes for a healthy, happy and inspiring 2011. 


Efrat Alony