In case you're around,
i'd like to invite you to very special concerts with the WONDERFUL bassist Childo Tomás.
The Duo with him is a real treat!!! so if you're anywhere near, don't miss out!
for our concerts in Berlin, we'll be joined by the grammy winner Venezuelan percussionist Nené Vasquez!!!!!
7.11- Helmbrechts, Textil Museum - 8 pm
8.11- Hamburg, St. Katharinen Church - 8 pm
11.11- Berlin, Circle 1 Gallery - 7 pm (with perc. Nené Vasquez)
12.11- Berlin, B-flat-9 pm(with perc. Nené Vasquez)
13.11- Göttingen jazz festival, Alte Rathaushalle - 8 pm
hope to see you there!