websites relaunch
It was a LONG time coming--- My website became so full- even I couldn't make heads or tails of it.

so I thought it only appropriate for Pesach (Passover) to do some serious spring cleaning ( with the help of the fabulous Frank Hellenkamp ) and relaunch the website - now turned into 5 separate ones-
for the sake of some order in a world that seems to get more confused and confusing by the minute.
check it out and listen in, there is new music, new photos ( Carola Schmidt did her magic again) & hopefully some more sense:
(news, over view of all my work, main / side projects)
(Handel-Fast Forward)
(Cello & Voice magic- UpSideDown)
(electro trio- Alony / Leicht / Wingold)
(my attempt at pop ...)