Impressions from last nights Opus Classic award concert

this is my award acceptance speech- it was INCREDIBLY hard to deliver it- but


Music has always been about honesty and truth for me, 

however momentary or fleeting it may be. 

I am deeply honoured and happy to receive this award ,

to share the stage with such wonderful musicians. 

This is ONE reality. 

but there is another one- and  standing here on stage-  it would be DISHONEST not to share it with you as well.

The past year, actually almost to the day, has been the most challenging one, full of endless grief and yes- dispair -

for me as a human being, 

as a woman, 

as an israeli 

and as a jew. 

a proud atheist jew- but still pretty jewish. 

this is my OTHER reality. 

(a collective trauma that has now been transferred to yet another generation)

so i find myself in a dilemma - an almost impossible balancing act- 

between the musician in me - who just wants everything to revolve ONLY around the  music -nothing else-  so stay festive tonight, play my part well

and the grieving person in me -   insisting there can be  NO music 

without humanity- OUR humanity.

however dark and full of despair or hopeful and full of light it may be. 

I don’t know where tonight happens to find YOU on this scale- but I want to thank you -  and wish all of us a better year

 with the hope that music will FOREVER  stay the glue between us , 

will FOREVER push us to reach out to one another 

let us NOT be fooled by our pain

let us not be fooled by our pain into thinking 

we could no longer even talk

to one another

photos: Opus Klassik

Photo: photos: Opus Klassik